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G2K's Levels Program

G2K Levels build upon each other, and have been assessed against the ACTFL scale (American Council of Teaching of Foreign Languages), which describes levels of competency in language progression in the 4 core language skills. 

G2K can take learners from Novice in Level 1 through to Advanced-low in Level 10. This focuses on general-use language, and beyond this point learners begin to require independent study on specialist areas related to their work/ interests.

Our teachers provide ongoing support throughout each student's time studying with G2K and at the end of Level students will have an assessment. This is based on recent learning in that Level and builds on previous study. Students must usually pass this to move onto the next class as it helps ensure that all students are progressing well.

As with any assessment scale, individual students will measure differently depending on their ability in each of the 4 skills areas, therefore this scale should only be used as a guide.

Expected outcomes for students passing their end-of-Level assessments are as follows:

Levels 1 to 3

Levels 1 to 3 cover basic vocabulary and topics, with the aim to assist you in common situations. They also act as a core foundation for your further study.

By the end of Level 3 (ACTFL Speaking and Listening: Novice High), you should aim to be able to:
  • Take part in short interactions on predictable, everyday topics by giving simple information and asking and answering simple questions;
  • Present basic information about yourself on familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences;
  • Recognise pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said in more complicated interactions;
  • Make plans, understand directions and use transport;
  • Make purchases and ask questions at the market and in other situations;
  • Produce Khmer sounds consistently and accurately.

Levels 4 to 6

By the end of Level 6 (ACTFL Speaking and Listening: Intermediate-mid, Literacy: Novice-mid), and building on previous Levels, you should aim to be able to:

  • Have a decent conversation, using full sentences, with someone about yourself and a variety of familiar topics;
  • Ask and answer fact-based questions in a variety of circumstances;
  • Discuss basic elements of Cambodian history, geography and culture;
  • Outline personal needs, feelings, opinions and preferences in a variety of circumstances;
  • Give a presentation about a topic you have researched or is of interest to you;
  • Recognise and understand the main topic of what is being said in common conversations or non-technical presentations;
  • Complete a form with basic information;
  • Write about yourself using learned words and phrases;
  • Recognise written words, phrases and letters when they are in a familiar context.

Levels 7 & 8

By the end of Level 8 (ACTFL Speaking and Listening: Intermediate High, Literacy: Novice-high), and building on previous Levels, you should aim to be able to:
  • Participate in conversations with ease and confidence in a wide variety of topics;
  • Describe information or activities using tenses/ timeframes such as past/ present/ future;
  • Understand phone conversations/ voicemails with complicating factors;
  • Handle social interactions, including when plans change/ there are unexpected complications;
  • Use language to explain multiple steps, such as rules, instructions, directions;
  • Present an opinion/ point of view, and the reasons behind it;
  • Write a postcard, and shopping/ to-do lists;
  • Write short messages or emails about yourself, daily life or other familiar topics;
  • Read simple stories;
  • Understand the main message behind simple texts/ written messages, when the topic is familiar.

Levels 9 & 10

By the end of Level 10 (ACTFL Speaking and listening: Advanced-low, Reading: Intermediate-mid, Writing: Novice-high), and building on previous Levels, you should aim to be able to:
  • Participate confidently in discussions covering a wide variety of topics;
  • Conduct interviews;
  • Debate and/ or give reasons for/ against particular viewpoints;
  • Explain issues of cultural or public interest, including contrasting viewpoints;
  • Deliver short presentations on social and cultural topics;
  • Develop strategies for overcoming lack of precise vocabulary;
  • Understand presentations and descriptions of stories or events;
  • Understand the main themes of texts related to everyday life, historic events, famous people, or personal interests/ studies;
  • Read short stories and factual information;
  • Understand simple written questions or instructions;
  • Understand simple written exchanges between other people (for example email/ social media);
  • Write about people, activities, events, experiences and topics of interest;
  • Write a role-play;
  • Write summaries of information for others;
  • Write questions and/ or written requests for information;
  • Prepare written materials for a presentation.

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